AI Society 7 – Development plan

In this post I want to go over a few sections of the development plan I am putting together for this project. After finishing the first iteration of the project I will upload a PDf of the full plan to the GitHub repository, as I will be adding to it through the course of development. I will also create said GitHub repository at that point.

Specifically in this post I will be outlining my objectives, implementation plan, milestones and future work.


Main Objective

The main objective of this project is to explore creating a society of artificially intelligent nodes. Through the implementation of machine learning they should be able to create their own social situations and interact dynamically based on only initial input that uses entropy to assign random characteristics and traits to each node.

Sub Objectives

Machine Learning

Create a machine learning algorithm to enable the AI nodes to develop useful connections between characteristics, desires, conversations and other known AI nodes. This algorithm should enable the nodes to have meaningful conversations between themselves, with regard to their situations.


The so called “microledger”, will be an implementation of distributed ledger technology that will be used to store data where necessary, its main usage will be trading between nodes.

Implementation Plan

Initial Implementation

  • Internode communication.
  • Reading environmental variables.
    • Photo resistor.
    • Thermistor.
  • Data storage.
  • Data processing.
  • Trait generation using entropy.


  • Initiating conversations.
  • Two way communication between nodes (Covered in initial?).
  • Processing and storing conversation data.
  • Using stored data to create a dynamic conversation. – Machine Learning algorithm.


  • Build relationships between nodes

Processing environment variables

  • Reading and storing environment variables
  • Processing environment variables
  • Using the environment variables to affect node behavior

MicroLedger Implementation

  • Design the MicroLedger.
  • Implement the MicroLedger.


  • Implement the ability for nodes to trade resources for resources or currency for resources


    Milestone 1

    Fully tested and working initial implementation, to provide the groundwork for the other milestones.

    Goal: 31/03/2018

    Milestone 2

    Implementation of conversations and relationships.

    Goal: 31/06/2018

    Milestone 3

    Implementation of environmental variables

    Goal: 31/09/2018

    Milestone 4

    Implementation of the Microledger and internode trading.

    Goal: 31/12/2018

As this is a passion project, on which I spend my spare time, I would like to point out that the milestone goal dates are not hard and fast, they are there to give me a target to work towards. Working full time on this project I am sure I would get through them much faster. However, although I have allowed three months for each, that still only equates to roughly twelve working days, provided I spend all weekend every weekend working on it, which is also unlikely. One of the main reasons that I am putting these posts out is to keep myself on track with this work and have somewhere to write about the process. Hopefully in doing so others will be inspired to work on their projects and find the best way to keep themselves on track!

Future work


  • God node – Controls environment variables such as virtual weather (Bad weather causes a % of light to be discarded), provides a WAN connection to remote nodes (This may not be necessary?), used to display data nodes are storing.
  • Nations – A nation is a group of nodes in a different location to another group
  • Power, wants and desires
  • User friendly UI for viewing internode communication.
  • TechnoCore

Economy and wealth

  • Debt – Debt and its effect on emotions
  • Donations
  • Consequences


  • How can this be implemented in a meaningful way? Protein folding?
  • Detectives?

As you can see from the work section above I do have some elements that I need to expand upon further, this is one of the reasons I only want to release the full development plan later.

In closing

You may wonder why I have the MicroLedger and trading in milestone 4, yet economy and wealth are only in future work. I want to lay the groundwork for the economy in milestone 4. Trading will be simplified initially, likely using pure light or temperature harvest as a currency. In future the currency will be an actual credit of some sort, quite possibly called a credit.

I have an interesting idea to have the nodes perform tasks, such as home automation, akin to devices like Amazon’s Echo or Google Home. In return for performing tasks the nodes will be paid.

Anyway, from here on out most AI Society posts will be development logs, although I can see that there will be more topics that to think about during the course of development. Stay tuned for some more tangible work!

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