AI Society 8 – Actually, finally, doing some programming


Having used rust for the past few months, and thoroughly enjoying it, I’ve decided to write the AI Society with it. Of course, being new to the language this does bring some challenges. The first of which is learning the correct way to use threads. At the time of writing, many countries are under lockdown due to the coronavirus, being in the UK that means I am too. What better time to get back into this project, I can’t believe it has been so long since my last post on this project.


I thought a good start would be to create the world the AIs will live in, so I am creating the Environment. This program, as the name may indicate, controls said world. It does this through the Looking Glass, inside of which is Ambi, Big Brother, Chrono, Zeus, and Celery.

It is not so easy, at least at first, to glean meaning from these names. Fear not! All shall be explained.


Ambi is the god of seasons, she is in charge of the seasons, just to make sure that is clear, seasons, she handles them. Dictating when one ends and another begins, not necessarily in a strict order… After all, why not!

Big Brother

Big Brother is a psychiatrist, of sorts. Really he just likes to be nosey and listen in to the conversations the nodes are having. Through him, we will be able to monitor the conversations that are going on in a central location.


Chrono is the god of time, under him Father time works to track the current time in the land of the AIs. Chrono is also where I am starting with this code.


Zeus, definitely not stolen from the Greeks, is the god of weather, funny that! He is in charge of what weather the AIs experience and when. He is definitely a very interesting part of this project as he won’t just say “today it is going to rain”, “tomorrow is going to be cloudy”, he will also be able to through massively damaging events at the AIs, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, well maybe more specific to the AIs, and of course I will throw in my own.


Celery*. Celery is the grand celestial being that controls all the other gods. Celery brings them all together and makes sure to keep them in line.

*Credit to Adam Walker of Activeledger for coming up with this name!

In conclusion

I will be keeping the posts regarding the actual programming short and sweet, at some point I will stick the code up on GitHub, but until I have something that is working I’ll keep it to myself. However, you will find the code here:

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